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Over 100 students from all over the world have graduated from this training and are now teaching throughout New York, L.A., San Diego, Sacramento, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Hawaii, Mexico, London, Liverpool, New Zealand, Spain, Switerland & China. 
4 of our graduates opened their very own yoga studios!

"I never thought I would want to become a yoga teacher until I decided to start this training program. But I am a strong believer in taking risks and challenging ones self every chance one gets. This happened to be “conveniently” offered to me at the start of my 1 month vacation, coming from a very vigorous intense season of dance. Training started Monday morning a 7 a.m. on the patio of my parents home. We very much benefited from the space. Doing yoga underneath the thick grapevines, listening to the birds, while my 2 cats walk over and under us as we practice our asanas, just felt right. I knew I was meant to do this since day one. Michael effortlessly set a calming tone to the beginning of each practice, which let me comfortably open my mind to learn the daily lectures clearly.

To be honest, I still didn't feel I would ever be fit to become a teacher until about the fifth day. I learned something about myself. I realized, to be a teacher, one must teach what they know, and because yoga captivated my interest, I was so motivated to learn everything word for word which then gave me confidence to teach what “I know” to others. I learned that becoming a teacher for others is just as fulfilling as being a successful student. Being a professional dancer, I’ve been taught discipline. From a young age, we are formed and coached to achieve artistry and technique. A lot of things are forgotten from the time we start until the day we sign our first contract. It seems that dance teachers are so determined to form these little girls and boys into perfect technical machines. Something the human body can only take for so long. I discovered this at quite an early age. Taking care of the body, but being aware of when we can push and when is too much is such an important attribute to have.

I feel the pranayamas really helped me understand my way of breathing. Having asthma as a child, Ive grown up thinking that my air is so valuable. Waking up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe really puts your life in prospective. I find it a gift and a curse having asthma at a young age because it has taught how important the breathe is. Obviously we all know we need to breathe to live, but when that is taken from you, there's a whole other appreciation. Something so automatic can become something challenging for us to properly do. Learning the different techniques of breathing would probably be my favorite and the most fascinating part of this training.

A big ah-ha moment for me was when I knew what group of people I wanted to teach. I want to focus my knowledge of yoga to young pre-professional dancers that need to work on things their teachers wont remind them twice about. Breathing properly through the movement to make it easier and much more enjoyable on stage and practicing patients towards the body and keeping a tranquil attitude during their practice. I want to help them understand that knowing and taking care of their bodies can prolong their careers. I think yoga can really help people understand that recovery is just as important as working hard to advance.

I shocked myself when I taught my first class. I felt strangely calm throughout the lesson that I set up. This might have been because my students happened to be my family and friends,but I think it was mostly because I knew exactly what I wanted to get across to them as their instructor. One of my students (my cousin) started the class not being able to touch the floor with her fingertips in uttan-asana (forward fold), but towards the end, even after the warrior sequence, she was touching the floor as if she always could! That made me not only proud of her, for not giving up, but proud of myself. I was able to help her achieve an obstacle. I was able to transmit what Michael taught me to my whole class. Seeing is believing, but we never see when something incredible is forming in us.

I am so grateful for this experience. Words cannot describe how fulfilled I feel being able to transmit something beautiful into peoples lives. For that, I guess I’ll just have to become a great teacher!"

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